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  • Guys, we deserve a better sound in such videos. Specially no background noise. Not all your customers speak fluent English and such a poor sound is a pain to understand your speech.
    Otherwise, nice design. Maybe a slightly slanted edge on top of removable lid would improve sealing for rain and remaining water.

  • Design looks amazing! Thank you for the update! You are doing great. Happy to wait longer an receive a better product!

  • Thanks for the update and appreciate all the detail!
    New design looks good; as long as it can be wall mounted, is somewhat weather-proof then I’m happy.
    My use case is leaning more on the solar capacity of the unit, and I’ll put a WiFi / Bluetooth unit in it. I like the two slot approach and look forward to making my own sliding units.
    Remind me on the expected shipment date of the Pulse please? Early 2021 now?
    Thanks and keep pushing.


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